Ashhadu anlaa ilaha illallah wahdahu laasharikalahu wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan Abduhu warasuluhu. Ama’bad fauzubilliahi minashaitaani rajeem, bismillahi Rahmani Raheem. What is Eid-ul-Adha Eid-ul-Adha is a “feast of sacrifice” or submission to the wishes or will of Allah celebrated on the 10th day of Dhul Hijja or the 12 Lunar month. It means total submission to what Allah wants or wishes or will or directs. It has two components. The smaller component is the sacrifice or killing of ram. This smaller one reminds us annually or points to a bigger sacrifice. The bigger sacrifice is the sacrifice of one wishes, will, passion, ego, and pride for the wish of Allah which is very difficult. To surrender one’s disobedient tendencies, passion for greed, or selfishness for the instructions of Allah is very difficult except for the righteous or God-fearing. Elements of Sacrifices All praise belongs to Almighty Allah who has made us witness the 2021 Eid-ul-Adha or feast of sacrifice amidst various global and national challenges. This requires a high level of spirit of obedience to Allah. Without the spirit of respect, the spirit of obedience would not work. Without the spirit of humility, neither spirit of respect nor obedience will work. And without the spirit of righteousness or godliness, one cannot be humble. These are essential components of sacrifice. You cannot offer acceptable sacrifice without being righteous. Allah will not accept it. It is not all sacrifices that Allah accepts. In Suratul Maidah 5. 28 – Almighty Allah says that: ‘………….Allah accepts only from the righteous.” اِنَّمَا یَتَقَبَّلُ اللّٰہُ مِنَ الۡمُتَّقِیۡنَ…. Origin of Eid-ul-Adha Sacrifice Eid-ul-Adha or the festival of Sacrifice commemorates the obedience of Hazrat Ibrahim (as) and his son Hazrat Ismail(as) to the commandment of Allah. Hazrat Ibrahim(as) had a series of dreams in which he saw himself sacrificing his eldest son Ismail. He inferred that it was perhaps the will of God that he should sacrifice the life of his son. Hazrat Ibrahim(as), being most obedient to God, was about to sacrifice the life of his son Ismail, when God commanded him to stop and gave him the good news that he had indeed fulfilled His command. God was so pleased with Ibrahim because of his obedience that He multiplied his progeny into billions. He was also given the great honour of being the forefather of the Holy Prophet of Islam(sa). Those who are able to offer the sacrifice should remember the significance of doing so, as succinctly stated in chapter 22:38 of the Holy Qur’an: Their flesh reaches not Allah, nor does their blood, but it is your righteousness that reaches Him. Thus has He subjected them to you, that you may glorify Allah for His guiding you. And give glad tidings to those who do good.” The act of sacrifice is symbolically reminding the person who offers it that as the animal is inferior to him so he, also, is inferior to God and should, therefore, be ready to sacrifice himself and all his personal interests and inclinations for the sake of God when he is required to do so. The same applies to a Muslim who desired to offer the sacrifice but could not, for economic reasons. The attainment of righteousness should be the goal of every Muslim. The Holy Quran further states: Verily the most honourable among you in the sight of Allah is the one who is most righteous among you. (49:40) Eid-ul-Adha is an occasion on which Muslims everywhere are encouraged to renew their commitment to making every kind of sacrifice for the spiritual, moral, social, and economic uplift of mankind and especially their own. If they make it a common cause and strive to manifest in themselves the attributes of God in accordance with the teachings and guidance of the Holy Quran and teachings of the Holy Prophet then, indeed, the message of Eid-ul-Adha would have borne fruit. Referring to attaining Taqwa and excelling in spirituality, the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Promised Messiah(as) said that we should love Allah as if we have died in His way. Just as we slaughter animals, we should consider ourselves slaughtered in the way of Allah. When anyone’s Taqwa is less than this, then it is not a sufficient level of Taqwa. The significance of Eid-ul-Adha is obedience to the will of Allah and killing or suppression of one passion or greed. The current World-wide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at in His Message of Eid-ul Adha said that “It is a reminder that one should sacrifice oneself for a greater good. This greater good that a Muslim should always be ready to sacrifice oneself for is the Almighty God, by way of sacrificing their time, wealth, honour, and life.” He further said “Understanding the true spirit of sacrifice is even more important in this day and age where some nations are usurping the rights of others; where the blood of human beings is being wasted for minor worldly goals. On the Eid Day – Remembrance and Gratitude – Eid Ground and Covid-19 Remembrance of Allah and gratitude to Him is the hallmark of that day. There is the exaltation of Allah to and from the Eid praying ground. One significant aspect of Eid-ul-Adha is the slaughtering of animals. On the day of Eid those Muslims who can afford to sacrifice an animal are enjoined to do so after Eid Prayer. However, this aspect should not be taken as a do-or-die affair. The offering of animal as a sacrifice is only incumbent upon those who can afford to do so. With the prevailing increase in prices of all consumables including animals, many Muslims may not be able to buy rams for the Eid. The Almighty Allah knows our individual capacity and does not burden us beyond it. No Muslim should resort to un-Islamic means to offer this sacrifice. We are grateful to Allah who out of His infinite mercy has given us the privilege to witness this year’s Eid-ul-Adha. We are

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Nigeria Branch has graduated nine (9) Missionaries at its School of Theology (Jamiatul-Mubashireen) located at Ilaro, Ogun State. The graduands who had successfully completed their four-year programmes comprised of five (5) Nigerians, three (3) Beninoise, and one Cameroonian. Their names are Adeyemi Habeebullah (Nigeria), Apooyin Abdulroqeeb (Nigeria), Gongola Abbas (Nigeria), Badrudeen Abdul Azeez (Nigeria); Ajakaye Mujtaba (Nigeria); Hafiz Ayeroumi Abdul Kabir (Benin Republic); Hafiz Ibrahim Shafii’ (Benin Republic); Isa Alabi Mustapha (Benin Republic) and Nuhu Yusuf Baba (Cameroon). Alhaji Alatoye Folorunso Azeez, the National Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria who was the Chairman of Convocation Ceremony enjoined the newly graduated Missionaries to live up to expectation by displaying attributes and characters of a true reformer. Barrister Alatoye also urged the new Missionaries to always upgrade themselves morally and educationally by making researches and professing solutions to world crises. He added that it can only be possible through fervent prayers. “Today, I congratulate you all on your well-deserved convocation ceremony after four years of rigorous training at Jamiatul-Mubashireen. You have all chose to be reformers, therefore you should always display good attributes of reformers. Your work is a blessed and professional one. It has both worldly and divine rewards. You are on the track to teach the people to be Godly.” “Missionaries are researchers. You are expected to research on lasting solutions to the challenges facing the world. You must then support your solutions with prayers.” “You must preach with the goodness of your behaviors. Also train and retrain yourselves to be better. Always follow the right path and guard against evils from money and women. Above all, go to the field to reform the people with good characters and prayers,” the Amir stated. The National Head also sounded a note of warning to Jamia students generally in respect to the rules and regulations of the institution. His word: “The aim of the institution is to produce reformers of good repute and proud ambassadors of Ahmadiyya Community. Any candidate coming to Jamia must be steadfast, God-fearing and upright. We can’t afford to produce unfit missionaries to the society.” “When you are opportuned to be in Jamiatul-Mubashireen, do not attempt to violate the rules and regulations, the punishment is very stiff. Please follow all the rules guiding the institution.” The Acting Missionary Incharge, Maulvi Abid Abdul Waasi enjoined graduands to always request His Holiness for prayers and seek for his guidance on all their daily routines. Certificates of Excellence were later given to the graduating students. Academic and sporting event prizes were also presented to outstanding students. Prominent among the guests include the National leader Majlis Ansarullah Ahmadiyya Nigeria (Elders’ Forum of Ahmadiyya Community), Alhaji Abdul Waheed Adeoye and National leader Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Nigeria (Youth Wing), Dr. Sanni Taofeeq.

Maulvi Nurudeen Okubena By the special grace and mercy of the Almighty Allah, I was privileged to attend the 2018 Jalsa Salana Qadian, India. It was actually my first presence and experience in Qadian, the birthplace of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), the Promised Messiah and founder of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. As an African Missionary leaving the shores of Africa for the first time, I was filled with happiness and a great aspiration to see Qadian. On arriving at Qadian after a journey of several hours on road from New Delhi, and despite witnessing such cold weather for the first time in my life, the sight of Qadian was indeed pleasing and I was more pleased when I saw more than thirty (30) fellow Africans at the Conference with a very high spirit and great enthusiasm to participate in all the Jalsa proceedings. I was exceptionally marvelled with the spirit of brotherhood at the Jalsa and, most especially, with the high spirit of sacrifice displayed by the workers at the Convention. Both the young and old were always ready to offer every sacrifice for the comfort of the guests of the Promised Messiah (as). The volunteers on security duties were always there at every moment, even in the extreme cold of the night. May Allah reward them all abundantly. One great thing about Qadian was that everyone meets each other with cheerfulness and happiness. Most especially when some of our Indian/Pakistani brothers realised that an African Missionary, like myself, could speak and understand the language of the Promised Messiah (as); they all showed great love and affection. Another wonderful scenario I witnessed at Qadian was that, despite the extreme cold weather, you would find people very early in the dawn trooping in large numbers to participate in the Tahajjud (the supererogatory night Prayer). I could remember that while there, I tried on so many occasions to observe prayers at the Mubarak Mosque but, on every occasion, I was told the place is filled up. However, I eventually had the opportunity to do so. Alhamdulillāh! It was indeed pleasing to have the opportunity to pray at Baitu Dua, Baitul fikr and several other rooms of the Promised Messiah (as). One surprising fact is the enthusiasm and zeal in every attendee to get an opportunity to pray in these holy rooms, and one could see a feeling of contentment and conviction of acceptance of prayers in the countenance of everyone who had had the opportunity of praying there. While in Qadian, considering the distance we traversed to reach there, one thing that always struck my mind was how the message of the Promised Messiah (as) was able to spread from such a remote village to the entire world. This, therefore, further strengthened my conviction that he, indeed, was a Chosen One of the Almighty Allah. Another striking thing about Qadian is the feeling of tranquillity one experiences while there. One always feels secured in Qadian. And, even, adherents of other faiths who live nearby do how high level of love and affection to all Jalsa attendees. Also, witnessing the presence of the attendees at Jalsa who have traveled from different parts of the world, I could see the fulfilment of the prophecy vouchsafed to the Promised Messiah that: يأتيك من كل فج عميق That is, “He shall come to you from every far region.” I was able to meet people from virtually all the continents of the world and everyone displayed a great level of love for the other. I was extremely pleased with the various speeches at the event. The facilitators were versatile and learned and the speeches were really soul inspiring. Qadian is a place to be visited by all, to experience the bounty and favours bestowed by Allah to the Imam of the Age. May the Almighty Allah give us all the grace to do so. Aameen Maulvi Nurudeen Okubena Head of Programming, MTA Africa, Nigeria Studios

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem AMIR’S 2021 EID UL FITR MESSAGE Tashaahuud, Ta’’awuz, Basmallah, Suratul Fatha. ADORATION TO ALLAH We give all adorations and greetings to Almighty Allah who has granted us the will and strength to fast the 29 days fasting in the holy month of Ramadan which just ended. Alhamdulillah. CALLING BLESSINGS ON THE HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMED (SAW) We call for Allah’s blessings on the Holy Prophet (saw) who is a mercy unto mankind and the seal of all prophets. He has brought us spiritual, moral, and physical ways of behaving in the most peaceful ways which Ramadhan taught all Muslims. If all Muslims are peaceful in Nigeria and worldwide, Nigeria and the world will be a place of peace for all to live. IMAM OF THE AGE We call for peace of Allah on Imam Mahdi (as) who is the Imam of the age, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) whose advent was foretold by the Holy Prophet Muhammed (saw), the holy founder of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat worldwide. May Allah be please with him and all the followers of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) who had passed away. KHALIFA AND THE UMMAH May Allah be the Helper of Hazrat Masroor Ahmad, the Word-wide head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat word-wide in his continuous quest for global peace. BLESSINGS OF RAMADHAN Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam and Muslims all over the world. It is an ordinance or a commandment of Allah. It is one of the mandatory instructions of Allah in the Holy Quran. It is not optional for those who fall within the categories of those who should fast. Whoever is matured, healthy and not on journey must fast during this holy month of Ramadhan. This shows fasting is a unique exercise and one that has been enjoined by the creator not only for the Muslims but for all others who have followed one prophet at a time or the other. Fasting offers us an opportunity to deeply reflect over ourselves and the type of relationships we have with other human beings on one hand and with our creator on the other hand. Allah says in the holy quran chapter 2 verse 184: ‘’O ye who believe, fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you that you may attain righteousness’’. The object of fasting is attainment of righteousness. Righteousness means nearness to Allah, doing of good and avoidance of all evils. The question to ask ourselves is whether we have attained righteousness or not during this just concluded month of Ramadhan. And if yes, how do we retain them without going back to any evil deeds whatsoever. This is a month of acceptance of prayers and the night of lailatul qadri or night of destiny. For our prayers to be accepted, Allah commanded us to listen to Him and have faith in Him. May Allah accept our prayers. ADMONITIONS TO THE GENERALITY OF MUSLIMS. We are expected to be more faithful in ALLAH, fearful of His glory, hold in Him in awe due to His majesty, we are supposed to be graduating from a training school in a metaphorical sense, and be able to itemize what we have achieved. We should be cognizance of the evil we are dropping. We should be discerning of the new virtue(s) we are assuming or embracing after Ramadan. We should be a new better creation now and forever. We should be magnanimous, kind-hearted, and more tolerant as we were during the month of Ramadan. Our prayers to Allah and religious devotions should be sustained to show that we have perpetually benefited from the month. Reverting to our evil ways is like losing it all. ADVICE TO THE GOVERNMENT FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANITY We call on the government; Federal, State, and Local to urgently address the concerns of the citizens of the country. No one needs to be told that there is tension, indeed, great tension in the land over what concerns the people. These concerns are many but a few of them are: The unrest in the country caused by insecurity, evil perpetrated by the notorious BOKO Haram, and now the latest addition banditry and herdsmen. Cases of kidnapping for ransom and unwarranted killing: Many innocent citizens have been kidnapped for no reason other than that they want ransom paid. Many were killed in the process. This is not expected in a country where there is good governance. A government and her agencies should provide security for the people and also secure their property. Hunger: There is hunger in the land as most farmers are not able to access their farms due to the terrorism of the herdsmen as it happened at Ibarapa and many other locations. Mass unemployment of the teeming youths in their millions. Jobs are not being created. This poses a grave danger and the easy platform for the recruitment of bandits and Boko Haram sympathizers. This avenue should be urgently blocked. Payment of interest at an alarming rate. This is to the extent that there is little or no income at all for the government to prosecute any project whatsoever as all the income of the nation is used to pay interest to few individuals plunging the country into spiritual war with Allah and his Prophet. Nigeria Oil Revenue projected for 2021 is ₦2.01trillion. The Non-Oil revenue is ₦1.49trillion both totaling ₦3.50 trillion. Meanwhile, interest is ₦3.32 trillion leaving only ₦180 billion for other expenditures. Statutory transfer alone is ₦500billion meaning that Nigeria has to borrow to fund those statutory transfers. Non-debt expenditure is ₦5.64trillion while Independent & Other source income is ₦4.48trillion leaving N1.16 trillion in deficit. It is zero funding for the capital of ₦4.13 trillion. Overall income is ₦7.98 trillion and overall expenditure is ₦13.59tillion. The deficit is ₦5.61 trillion. Debt is now been raised at interest to fund revenue non-productive expenditures. This keeps forcing Nigerian debt up. Government must avoid land and interest payment

Sunday, 21st March 2021 will no doubt remained a memorable day for Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria as the Amir (National Head), Alhaji (Barr.) Alatoye Folorunso Azeez commissioned a new Mosque and laid the foundation stone of another one at the Apata (Oyo State) branch of the organization. The new Mosque is located at Bembo Area of Aba-Alamu, Apata, Oyo State. The land was donated by Pa Rauf Adekola and the foundation stone was laid on the 19th October 2019 by the then Central Missionary for the region, Maulvi Sadiq Raheem, and Branch President, Alhaji Teslim Oniyide. A total of 109 donors contributed to the construction. The Mosque can conveniently accommodate 75 worshippers at a go. Speaking at the commissioning event, the National Head appreciated the efforts of the donor and contributors towards the quick completion of the Mosque project after the former Mosque was demolished due to road expansion at Bembo Area. “It is a good sign for us all. Let us all strive to contribute financially and spiritually in the way of Allah like the donor who ensured that we establish a place of worship after the former one was affected by road expansion. “Let’s strive to always please God and improve the condition and sizes of our Mosques in order to accommodate more worshippers as much as possible especially during Jumu’ah service,” the Amir said. Foundation Stone Laying of Apata Central Mosque The Amir later proceeded to lay the foundation stone of the new Ultra-Modern Central Mosque at Apata and blessed the project with prayers. The Mosque project, which is being single-handedly sponsored by a family, is a story-building with the ground floor set aside for Car Park. When completed, it will conveniently accommodate hundreds of worshippers at the same time. Barr. Alatoye reiterated the need for all members to reform themselves internally and eschew personal grudges and differences in order to win more converts into Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. “We should always think big on how to expand our Mosques across the country. Also, there is a need to put into practice what we preach to outsiders. Let’s move on from personal grudges and fighting. We will progress and convert many people when we embrace peaceful coexistence.” “Let us always pray for the elevation of all members. It will be a good omen when this happens. Let us look for money in a legit way and contribute meaningfully to the progress of the organization. Let’s imbibe humility and do away with arrogance”, the Amir reiterated.

With the gracious approval and blessings of its Supreme Head, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has eventually laid the foundation stone of the Minaret International University, Ikirun, Osun State. The much-anticipated foundation stone laying was performed by the Executive Governor of Osun State, Alhaji Adegboyega Isiaka Oyetola, witnessed by top dignitaries including government officials, traditional rulers, and personalities across the country. Recall that the organization had embarked on the University Project in 2017 with the processing of Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) and documentation with the National Universities Commission. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community known to be a pioneer of Muslim education in Nigeria intends to establish a world-class tertiary institution for the intellectual and manpower development of human resources for sustainable socio-economic development nationally, regionally, and internationally. The University will also focus on environmentally sustainable growth and development of all aspects of agriculture, energy and transportation infrastructure, water and natural resources manufacturing and processing, management sciences, engineering, communication technology, humanities as well as scientific and technological research relevant to global development problems and challenges. Governor Oyetola lauded Ahmadiyya Community for its roles in educational development as well as humanitarian services within the country and across the globe. He believed education and religion are timeless and potent instruments for the development and transformation of society. “The expediency of these two tools is even more compelling today that the society requires moral and ethical rebirth. It is therefore heartening that Minaret International University is combining religion and education to build the character of our youths and help them to acquire knowledge to deliver the future that we desire. “Our Administration considers education and good moral standing as essential tools for building leaders of tomorrow and ensuring sustainable development. In line with the belief of the State that government cannot solely provide the education the State needs, successive governments have encouraged willing individuals and groups to establish schools at all levels. Consequently, Osun is home to top-notch tertiary institutions that are making their contributions to the development of the State and the nation. “The establishment of Minaret International University is a welcome addition to this family. As a notable knowledge-seeking and religion-savvy institution known for its tradition of excellence, I have no doubt that Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at will build a University that is a Centre of excellence in deed and in truth. I am also persuaded that the organization will produce graduates who will be problem solvers and job creators. “Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria has proved over the years to be a frontline Muslim organization in the propagation of the Islamic faith. It has also demonstrated an irredeemable commitment to the peace, progress, and welfare of the people and State of Osun and the nation. These contributions are traceable to the visionary leadership of the organization. “On behalf of the Government and people of Osun, I appreciate the leadership of this notable organization for its services to humanity and the decision to site this University in Osun, which will further expand access to tertiary education and also contribute to the development of our State,” the governor added. The Amir (National Head) of the organization in Nigeria, Barr. Alatoye Folorunso Azeez, in his address, heartily appreciated the good support and neighborliness of the State government and the host Community towards the success of the foundation stone laying event. “We are most grateful to the host Community of Ikirun, the immediate past Akirun of Ikirunland, His Royal Majesty, Late Oba Abdul Rauf Olawale Adedeji II, and the Osun State Government for the strong support to the actualization of this dream. Most importantly, we are very grateful to His Holiness, the worldwide Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at for his kind approval of the University to be sited at Ikirun in Osun State. “MIU is owned by 215 Countries where Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has been formally established. It is the first of its kind globally, innovative University with a difference designed to promote academic excellence, moral discipline, and the spirit of selfless service for the advancement of socio-economic development, the emancipation of the people, and commitment to global cooperation for development and unity of humanity. “The philosophy of MIU is to guard against alcoholism and drug addiction, ensure banishment of cultism, embrace theory and practical/work approach, practical entrepreneurship training, embrace sports, physical fitness and martial arts and strict enforcement of moral discipline. The tuition fees will be moderate and affordable for brilliant students,” Barr. Alatoye stated.
Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Nigeria have Honour of Virtual Meeting with World Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

The National Amila of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya have an official meeting with His Holiness On 7 March 2021, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad held a virtual online meeting with the National Amila (Executive) of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Nigeria (Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Auxiliary), as well as regional Qaideen. His Holiness presided the meeting from his office in Islamabad, Tilford, whilst the Amila members joined the meeting virtually from the Lajna Hall in Ojokoro in Lagos, Nigeria. During the 40-minute meeting, all present had the opportunity to speak to His Holiness and the National Amila members were able to present a report about their respective departments and to receive the guidance and instructions of His Holiness on a range of issues. As the meeting concluded, His Holiness emphasised the importance of devising comprehensive plans to assist with the moral and spiritual enhancement of the members of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “All your Mohtamimeen (National Secretaries) should study the constitution of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya and see exactly what their duties are. Thereafter, you should make your plans according to the constitution. In your next Amila meeting you must analyse what are the shortcomings of your work and where you must strive to improve. So make a countrywide plan and then work hard to achieve your targets.”
Lajna Imaillah Nigeria have Honour of Virtual Meeting with World Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Encourage every girl to get higher education” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad On 21 February 2021, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad held a virtual online meeting with members of the National Amila (Executive) of Lajna Imaillah Nigeria (Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Auxiliary). His Holiness presided the meeting from his office in Islamabad, Tilford, whilst the Amila members joined the meeting virtually from the Lajna Hall in Ojokoro in Lagos, Nigeria. During the meeting, His Holiness outlined the various responsibilities assigned to the respective Lajna Amila members and gave guidance on improving the activities of their departments. Speaking to the Secretary Nasirat, responsible for the moral and spiritual training of girls up to the age of fifteen, His Holiness said that their department should keep a good record of how many girls are engaging and taking part in the initiatives that were being run by the national department. His Holiness also encouraged exercise and instructed the Secretary Sehat-e-Jismani, responsible for Health and Fitness, to ensure that the Amila members should lead by example and exercise regularly. During the meeting, the Secretary Sanat-o-Tijarat, responsible for Trade and Industry, showed some of the products that the Lajna Imaillah members from across the country had made, such as bags and other items. The secretary highlighted that the Lajna Imaillah members are being assisted in making a living and are being supported in starting their own businesses. They had also assisted local society during the Covid-19 pandemic. Later in the meeting, reiterating the importance of gaining higher education, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “Encourage every girl to get higher education.” As the meeting concluded, His Holiness outlined his expectations of Lajna Imaillah. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “You have a huge task in front of you and I hope Lajna can achieve it and if you do, it will also encourage the men to be more active. You have to push them! My expectations with Lajna are more than the men. So I hope you fulfil my expectations. May Allah the Almighty bless you in every respect. Allah bless you all.”
National Majlis-e-Amila in Nigeria have Honour of Virtual Meeting with World Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

His Holiness gives guidance on a wide array of administrative and religious matters On 20 February 2021, the National Majlis-e-Amila (Executive) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Nigeria were granted a virtual official meeting and audience with the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad for the very first time. Also present were the principals of Ahmadiyya Muslim Schools in Nigeria, doctors serving in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Hospitals in Nigeria and Missionaries serving in the country. His Holiness presided the meeting from his office in Islamabad, Tilford, whilst the Amila members joined the meeting virtually from the Lajna Hall in Ojokoro in Lagos, Nigeria. During the almost 60-minute meeting, all present had the opportunity to speak to His Holiness and to receive the guidance and instructions of His Holiness on a range of issues. Speaking to the National Talim Secretary, responsible for the Education of the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Nigeria, His Holiness said that the department should guide Ahmadi Muslim students throughout their education. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “You should form a counselling and guidance committee. The purpose of the committee will be to guide and counsel the students who are secondary school-going students and guide them what further education they can pursue according to the local conditions and the local requirement.” His Holiness also advised the National Tarbiyyat Secretary, the secretary responsible for the moral training of Ahmadi Muslims, to ensure Ahmadi Muslims living in Nigeria were observant of all Islamic teachings. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “Each and every Ahmadi Muslim should be very particular and punctual in offering five times daily prayers, should be very particular in reciting the Holy Quran, should be very punctual and regular and particular in reading some books of Hadith and of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him). You should prescribe some book also for the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community that they can read – those books which have been translated into English – so they can read and know what the purpose of the advent of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) is; what did he say, what does he want from us and how an Ahmadi Muslim should behave.” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad further stated: “If the Tarbiyyat department is active and you have done your job appropriately and in the best manner, then quite a number of other departments will run smoothly.” His Holiness also instructed that in each and every chapter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Nigeria there should be a local missionary and so, His Holiness said, a detailed plan should be made in this regard to outline how to train missionaries to fulfil this target. Furthermore, His Holiness said that every Amila member should commit their time for a two-week Waqf-e-Arzi period whereby the Amila members dedicate their time for helping teach the Holy Quran to the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community or to convey the message of Islam to the wider public. As the meeting concluded, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad prayed for the attendees and said: “As I have already guided some of the secretaries, they should work hard according to my instructions and identify where you are lagging behind and see how you can improve. May Allah the Almighty bless you all.”

The Etsu Nupe and the Chairman Niger State Council of Traditional Rulers, His Royal Highness, Alhaji (Dr.) Yahaya Abubakar, CFR has revealed the major reason for honouring the invitation to attend the International Convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community held in the United Kingdom last year. Speaking at his Royal Palace in Bida, Niger State during the visit of the National leadership of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria led by the Amir (National President), Alhaji (Barr.) Alatoye Folorunso Azeez, the traditional ruler disclosed that the inner impetus to have first-hand information thereby correcting the wrong impression about the Muslim Community made him attend the Conference. It would be recalled that the Etsu Nupe with other four members of his family attended the 2019 Annual Convention in the U.K. where they were given a befitting reception, and also had the rare privilege of meeting the Supreme Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(May Allah be his Helper). Dr. Abubakar expressed his delight over his experience in the U.K. as he was able to ascertain the truth about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and its belief system which were in conformity with the tenets and true teachings of Islam. He affirmed that those attacking the Muslim organization are ignorant of its belief system and activities. Consequent to his findings, the traditional ruler informed that he summoned all leaders of Muslim sects in his domain and educated them properly. His words: “The motive behind attending the international convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the U.K. was to actually seal the trust I had in the Jama’at and to have some clues about her belief system. I got to know that the organization believe in one God and that the Holy Prophet(Sallallahu alaehim wasalam ( was the seal of all prophets. The Community also promotes peaceful co-existence which Islam preaches, so what else? “I was really impressed and convinced after that visit. Those giving wrong allegations and are attacking the Ahmadiyya Community do that out of ignorance and sensitization. I had to gather all the leaders of Muslim organizations in my Kingdom to the palace and educate them properly after my arrival from the United Kingdom. Ever since then, they (Muslim leaders) have changed positively and are now relating to themselves peacefully.” General advice for Muslim leaders: The Etsu Nupe admonished religious leaders generally to eschew all forms of hate speech and disseminate the true teachings of Islam, notably the Peace Message which the Ahmadiyya Jama’at preaches across the globe. “Before now, some of these scholars spent much time preaching against other sects than the time spent on disseminating true teachings of Islam. This trend has changed anyway after the orientation. Let us preach on five daily prayers, Hajj, and current affairs in the society. Avoid hate speech and re-awaken followers on Islamic affairs. Let us always appreciate what God has given us and refrain from anger, jealousy, envy and embrace peaceful co-existence. This will no doubt improve the spirit of brotherhood among us,” he opined. Highlights of Amir’s Speech: Barrister Alatoye while delivering his speech expressed his profound gratitude to the Etsu Nupe for honoring the 2019 U.K. Jalsa Salana (Annual Convention) which has further bolstered the Jama’at’s relationship with members of Nupe Kingdom. He further solicited the Etsu’s full support and cooperation towards disseminating the peaceful message of the Jama’at across the country, taking into consideration current happenings in international politics. “We thank His Royal Highness for attending our international Jalsa Salana 2019 in the U.K. It’s a huge blessing for the Jama’at in all sectors. Let me use the opportunity to emphasize that the Ahmadiyya Community is very much concerned about the spreading of a peaceful message. That is why His Holiness has been moving across the world to deliver peace messages to world leaders. Aside from this, the Jama’at is also concerned about the welfare of the masses, hence the establishment of Humanity First International which focuses on the provision of food, shelter, health services, education, disaster recovery, among others for the less-privileged. We humbly request for His Royal Highness’ full support for the actualization of these programmes, starting with the spreading of peace messages across Nigeria,” Barrister Alatoye requested. His Holiness(May Allah be his Helper) Visit to Nigeria: The Amir also used the occasion to solicit Etsu Nupe’s full support for the coming of His Holiness(May Allah be his Helper) to Nigeria, especially playing an active role on His Holiness(May Allah be his Helper) meeting with the Nigeria President, National Assembly, and top government officials. Barrister Alatoye later prayed for the protection of lives and properties and abundance of blessings in the Nupe Kingdom. He then presented Jama’at literature and other gift items to the Monarch. Some of the entourage of Amir include the Missionary Incharge, Maulana Afzaal Ahmad Rauf; the General Secretary, Alhaji Abbas Iromini and the National Secretary External Affairs, Alhaji Hassan Sunmonu. Nurudeen Akinreti