100 Years Ago… – Discussions and Dutch, American and Nigerian Ahmadi converts

Al Fazl, 26 April 1920 The following letter of respected Maulvi Abdul Rahim Sahib Nayyar, which comprises of many good news, reached us late for some reasons. So, it is being published now. We hope friends will read it with great interest. (Editor) Islam of young Walandesi A young Walandesi i.e. a resident of Holland (also known as Dutch) was under the tabligh of Ahmadi missionaries for quite some time. He was first brought to us by our new zealous brother, Mr Olaf Ibrahim Faith. He regularly attended the Sunday Jalsas and continued to compare Christianity and Islam. He studied the book of the Promised Messiahas, Teachings of Islam, carefully read the conditions of Bai‘at, and after thorough deliberation and research, abandoned Roman Catholicism and converted to Ahmadiyyat by saying لآ اِلٰہَ اِلَّا اللہُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَّسُولُ اللہ [There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger] with full sincerity of heart. His Dutch Christian name was Johannse Hendrikos Petros von Ostefan. Since he was the first Ahmadi in the country of Holland, he was named Mahmud after the blessed name of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II to bring good fortune. All praise belongs to Allah! New Nigerian and American converts Allah Almighty is directing noble souls towards Ahmadiyyat by His own grace and opening the doors of tabligh in countless countries. Moreover, the Messiah of the All-Powerful God is engaged in catching white and black birds in abundance. The following four new brothers are proof of this: 1. S Brown AOE, secretary of United African Brotherhood, who is an educated person of a respectable family, belongs to the chieftains of the Igbo nation. As he became a Christian as a child, he started to love Christianity. Inspired by the support of Allah Almighty and the sermons of the Ahmadi missionaries, he was convinced about the truth of Ahmadas by heart and being honoured with the Islamic name of Aziz, became an ardent Muslim. Alhamdolillah! 2. Mr T Howard is a Nigerian. He has left Christianity and has been given the Islamic name, Sarwar. 3. IA Sensi became an Ahmadi Muslim after correspondence and studying literature. 4. Welford N Diaz of Jamaica (America), an intelligent and wise young man, abandoned Christianity and converted to Islam. By the grace of Allah, he has become Muhammad from Diaz. All of them met the missionaries through Mr Aziz Brown and Dr Ahmad Haley. They accepted the truthful religion and gave the proof of their pious nature. Table talk It is customary in the UK that people talk to each other on various matters while eating or drinking tea. These scenes from the centre of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat located in London, often being very interesting, bring joy and happiness to the hearts of the admirers of اسمہ احمد [Hazrat Ahmadas]. Thus, one such scene is depicted on this piece of paper for the readers of Al Fazl [where it was initially published] and the following lines are presented as a gift from Nayyar, the bearer of the message of sunrise from the West: Tea is on the table and new convert Ahmadis are sitting in chairs. Discussions on religious issues are taking place. Each person, in his or her own style, is expressing the feelings and emotions that are flowing after drinking of the goblets of Ahmadiyyat, which were distributed among the fresh, passionate hearts. Listen to these discussions very attentively because I will ask you a question aft er the following table talk: Muhammad Suleiman Faith: (To Hassan Thomason, who got up aft er drinking tea). Brother, what is that in your pocket? Hassan Thomason: (Takes out the translation of the Holy Quran’s first chapter). This is my sword, which is always by my side. Muhammad Suleiman Faith: (Conversing to the friends) He is an extraordinary Ahmadi and in my opinion (standing up enthusiastically), if a person is not very well-educated and is a simple soldier like Hassan who believes in Tawhid [Oneness of Allah], prophethood of Muhammadsa Rasulullah [Prophet of Allah] and the messengership of the Promised Messiahas, then he is an Ahmadi Muslim for certain. Daud Faith: (He is a well-built gigantic person). Let’s build a British Ahmadiyya football team. Ibrahim Faith: And plan a match with a church team. (Laughter) Maulvi Fateh Muhammad Sayal: (Speaking to Miss Harvey [this lady is still a Christian]) Miss Harvey! You write it down that in 50 years, Islam will spread throughout the UK, Insha-Allah. Muhammad Suleiman Faith: Write down that in three years’ time, there will be at least 250 ardent educated Ahmadis here and in 12 months, Miss Harvey will accept Ahmadiyyat. Brothers! After reading these cordial emotions and noble humour, I request you to question those who love Lahore and visitors of Peshawar (Peshor), whether these are the results of a deadly poison or an elixir? An interesting discussion Dr Ahmad Haley’s discussion with a priest: Priest: Are you not a Christian? Dr Sahib: I’m a Muslim Priest: Oh! You are a Muhammadan. Muhammad was a black man. Dr Sahib: Yes sir, and Jesus Christ was also a black man. A surprised lady Some days ago, when I went to Liverpool to see off Hazrat Mufti Sahib, I had the opportunity to carry out tabligh to a Canadian lady at the Lord Nelson Hotel. Beholding Ahmadi missionaries and hearing the true message, where this lady acknowledged the truth, she said the following words in surprise: “Is it not strange that we used to send missionaries to the East, but now you have come to make us Muslims from the East.” Jalsa in Hyde Park Last Sunday at 4:30pm, an open air meeting i.e. a Jalsa in the open was held at the gate of Hyde Park. Brother Muhammad Suleiman Faith made the following announcement in a loud voice, which God has given to this zealous youth: “Ladies and gentlemen! We are here today to proclaim that God is One, Muhammad is His messenger and that salvation is not dependent on anybody’s sacrifice, but rather on faith and good deeds. We announce that God has commissioned Ahmadas of Qadian as a prophet

100 Years Ago… – News from Jamaats around the world

Al Fazl, 21 June and 24 June 1919 Qazi Abdullah Sahib’s letter to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih on the impact of Haqiqat-ul-Roya My beloved master, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (may Allah be his helper) Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatohu Although Haqiqat-ul-Roya, a collection of Huzoor’s lectures delivered at Jalsa Salana in 1917 was received late, but reading them had a delightful impact on the heart. Every word was refreshing. It served as an extremely sublime spiritual nourishment for the soul. One’s heart is filled with divine light, and extraordinary energy and contentment are granted for further sacrifice. At this very moment, I find not a single challenging matter which could prove to be a hurdle for me in embarking the most cherished way. Huzoor’s pearls of wisdom had an electrifying effect on me. Efficacy of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’s prayer An extraordinary sign of the fulfillment of Huzoor’s prayer was witnessed recently. Apparently, there were no signs of brother (…), a new Ahmadi convert, being released [from prison]. According to the prison governor, several Indians were more likely to be released before him and above all, it was impossible for the governor to recommend his release. Repeated requests were made to the home secretary which were rejected every single time. In spite of the adverse conditions, through the blessings of Allah the Almighty which were absorbed by the prayers of Huzoor, such circumstances were created miraculously that the new Muslim convert was released while the others who were more likely to be released remain behind bars. Tract for tabligh A short tract has been sent for printing. 10,000 copies have been ordered for the time being. During this time of the year, I intend to carry out tabligh moving about on foot. I observed istikhara [prayer seeking good from Allah] at night and all of a sudden, before getting up, I was whispering the following words: وَاسْتَفْتَحُوا وَخَابَ كُلّ جَبَّارٍ عَنِيْدٍ “And they prayed for victory, and as a result thereof, every haughty enemy of truth came to naught.” This humble one prays for Huzoor and I request Huzoor from the depth of my heart to pray for me. Wassalam; Huzoor’s humble servant, Qazi Abdullah Qazi Abdullah Sahib’s health A telegram received from Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib on 16 June indicates that Qazi Abdullah Sahib’s health is relatively better than before, all praise belongs to Allah. Members of the Jamaat are requested to pray that Allah the Almighty grants him full recovery from illness. (Editor Al Fazl) Tabligh in the UK The truth of Islam lies in its pure teachings which is being acknowledged by the people of Europe after thorough research. Listening to this week’s lecture of Qazi Abdullah Sahib in the Lecture Hall, Star Street, London, a revered gentleman and his lady who already had a discourse with him in Hyde Park, openly admitted in front of the audience that the lecture was well reasoned and true and that they totally agree with it. Another respected lady, by the name of Miss Bobby South, embraced Islam through Hazrat Mufti Sahib. She was given the Islamic name Maryam and her request of Bai‘at has been sent to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih. Servant of religion; MS Abbasi 4 Star Street, London, W2. (21 May 1919) Recent letter from Malabar Through the blessings of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’s prayers, a discussion was held with three paighamis [those Ahmadis who had not accepted Khilafat]. By the grace of Allah, truth has become clear upon them and they have sent a request for Bai‘at to be presented before our Imam, Khalifatul Masih II. Their names are B Muhammad Kunji Sahib, G Muhammad Sahib and K Kunji Ahmad Sahib. Mahmud Ahmad Al Fazl, 24 June 1919 By the grace of Allah the Almighty, tabligh is being carried out exceptionally well. According to the weekly report, an English gentleman named Mr Scott, inhabitant of Islington, embraced Islam through Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib. He was given the Islamic name Ibrahim. All praise belongs to Allah. At the Lecture Hall on Sunday evening, Hazrat Mufti Sahib delivered an address on The Blessings and Qualities of Islam in a very interesting manner. It had a positive impact on the new Muslim converts and the remaining audience which was fairly numbered. This humble one went to Southend-on-Sea on a tabligh visit where a number of people were spoken to about the verities of Islam Ahmadiyyat, aside from a public lecture. Moreover, literature was distributed. Wassalam; Humbly yours, Qazi Abdullah 4 Star Street, London, W2. (28 May 1919) A letter from Malabar A recent letter from Sheikh Mahmud Ahmad Sahib indicates that the health of Maulvi Ghulam Rasul Sahib is on the road of recovery and the wound is healing. However, in spite of extreme weakness and loss of strength, which at times led to unconsciousness, Maulvi Sahib continued to carry out tabligh and sent letters to the chiefs of that region composed in Arabic. Ahmadiyyat in Shimoga (Mysuru) Bombay’s missionary, Hakim Khalil Ahmad Sahib went to Shimoga for some days, [then] part of Mysuru’s region. There was only one Ahmadi, Mir Kalimullah Sahib (thekedar) at that time. By now, through the blessings of Allah the Almighty, a Jamaat has been established there. It has become known from Hakim Sahib’s letter that as per the needs, a mosque has been built in a matter of only a few days. Hakim Sahib will send a detailed report from Bombay. WHY I ATTENDED AHMADIYYA CONVENTION IN THE U.K. – ETSU NUPE The Etsu Nupe and the Chairman Niger State Council of Traditional Rulers, His Royal Highness, Alhaji (Dr.) Yahaya Abubakar, CFR has revealed the major reason for honouring the invitation to attend the International Convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community held in the United Kingdom last year. Speaking at his Royal Palace in Bida, Niger State during the visit of the National leadership of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria led by the Amir (National President), Alhaji (Barr.) Alatoye Folorunso Azeez, the traditional ruler disclosed that the inner impetus to have first-hand information thereby correcting the wrong

100 Years Ago… – News highlighting the progress of Ahmadiyyat

Al Fazl, 3-7 June 1919 Hazrat Master Abdur Rahim Nayyarra The peaceful teachings of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat and the practical display of sincerity and loyalty by Ahmadis towards Britain is generating feelings of love in the hearts of several officials. This phenomenon is not confined to India but in fact, it can be observed outside of India as well. Hence, a friend states [from the UK] that a person who had been living with an Ahmadi from a long time went to a British officer in order to find work. When the officer began to interview the applicant and asked about his place of residence, he replied that he lived with an Ahmadi. Thereupon the following discussion took place: Officer: Are you an Ahmadi as well? Applicant: [Afraid that the officer might be offended by the name of an Ahmadi] No sir! Officer: It is strange that you have been living with an Ahmadi for such a long time, but you have not accepted the truth. Go and become an Ahmadi first and come back (on a certain date). We are grateful to Allah the Almighty that several officials have reverance for the honesty, sincerity and loyal sentiments of Ahmadis. A pious judge News has come in from a foreign country that opponents have filed a false case against Ahmadis. Before appearing in court, the Ahmadi lawyer handed over several books of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat to the judge in order to inform him about its beliefs. The honorable judge read these books and said: “Before reading these books, I used to believe that the Holy Prophet[sa] was (God forbid) a dishonest and deceitful person. However, after going through these books, my point of view changed, so much so that my wife and I began to constantly repent and in fact, we became quite perturbed for our wellbeing.” May Allah the Almighty enable him to become an Ahmadi Muslim. An officer’s life saved The young man who saved the life of Lieutenant […] at Hafizabad railway station was Bashir Hayat Ahmadi, son of sub-inspector, Muhammad Hayat Sahib Ahmadi. We are proud at the loyal act of this Ahmadi gentleman. The promulgation of Ahmadiyyat in Rohilkhand Hafiz Syed Mukhtar Ahmad Sahib Mukhtar Shahjahanpuri writes: “During the past three years, Ahmadiyyat has progressed and continues to advance parallel to the increase in intensity and vehement opposition in several districts. Since the initiation of opponents’ gatherings, 40 individuals have accepted Ahmadiyyat in Pilibhit Bareilly and Shahjahanpur. The increase in numbers of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat during the past three years has never been witnessed before, even in decades long periods. “It becomes evident from the current climate that as the rising opposition causes difficulty and brings about the loss of wealth and life for Ahmadis, by the grace of Allah the Almighty, it also serves as a remarkable means for the progress, promulgation and introduction of Ahmadiyyat. “The present condition is such that in the last week of April, 15 individuals of Bareilly accepted Ahmadiyyat. Today, two young men of Shahjahanpur sent their requests of Bai‘at. Their acceptance of Ahmadiyyat will be a source of blessings for the Ahmadis of Shahjahanpur, Insha-Allah. Among these gentlemen is Syed Qutbuddin Sahib, son of Maulvi Syed Muinuddin Sahib who translated the book Napoleon Azam. It is quite fascinating that in the same week, when the wording of Maulvi Muinuddin Sahib’s translated book was presented in the article discussing an earthquake as a proof for the meaning of war to also be taken from the word ‘earthquake’, Syed Qutbuddin Sahib entered the pale of Ahmadiyyat.” Syed Qutbuddin Sahib’s request of Bai‘at “Syedi [my master] and Maulai [my leader]; Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu!During the past three months, I became well informed by reading the fine works of Jariyullah fi Hulalil Anbiya [the champion of Allah in the mantle of all the prophets], the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdias and several books of beloved Huzoor [Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra]. I carried out discussions about Ahmadiyyat and listened to certain discourses. I attended non-Ahmadi gatherings that were conducted here this year and read several books of theirs. Moreover, I compared some books to each other. Consequently, Allah the Almighty granted me strength to reach this conclusion that Hazrat Jariyullahas [the Promised Messiahas] was truthful and honest in all his claims. Thus, I respectfully request beloved Huzoor to bless me with the honour of Bai‘at and pray for me to remain resolute and steadfast. Your servant, Syed Qutbuddin.” Syed Shujaat Hussain Sahib’s request of Bai‘at “Syedi [my master] and Maulai [my leader]; Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu! I had the opportunity to examine several books of the Promised Messiahas here. Once I finished reading Kitab-ul-Bariyyah, by the grace of Allah the Almighty, the truth became completely manifest upon me and I was fully satisfied that the Promised Messiahas was truthful in all his claims. Now, I wish that beloved Huzoor [Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra] bless me with the honour of Bai‘at and pray that I remain resolute and steadfast. Wassalam; Your humble servant, Shujaat Hussain of Shahjahanpur, Overseer at the Court of […].”

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