Since the start of the Covid-19, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad has instructed Ahmadi Muslims worldwide to take necessary precautions and to follow all instructions or guidance received from their Government.
In light of the current situation, His Holiness has instructed Ahmadi Muslims in the United Kingdom of the following:
- Ahmadi Muslims (members) must follow all directions of the Government and public health authorities pertaining to Covid-19.
- In terms of social distancing, His Holiness has instructed members to avoid all unnecessary travel, as per the instructions of the UK Government, and to maintain proper social distancing rules during essential travel.
- Congregational prayers and any other services in Mosques or centres should be suspended until deemed safe by the authorities. Similarly, all forthcoming Mosque events are to be postponed or cancelled until deemed safe by the authorities.
- Members should offer daily prayers and the weekly Friday prayers within their home with members of their household only.
- All members must practice good hygiene at all times to minimise the risk of spreading the virus i.e. regular handwashing and the use of sanitiser where water is not available. Further, all surfaces they come into contact with should be kept clean and wiped down with anti-bacterial wipes.
- His Holiness has also instructed all members to do whatever they can to remain well. For example, he has advised they maintain a healthy diet and rest as much as possible in order to keep their immune system resilient. In terms of mental wellness, His Holiness has advised members to use their time at home productively, to keep a routine, keep themselves intellectually stimulated by reading and learning and to take benefit of the increased opportunity to spend quality time with their families.
- His Holiness has instructed the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the UK and in other countries to serve their country and vulnerable members of society, according to the rules and regulations of society. For example, many members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the UK have joined the NHS Volunteer scheme set up by the UK Government in response to Covid-19. Furthermore, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association UK has contacted all local councils in order to offer its assistance in delivering medicines, groceries etc to vulnerable people or assisting in any other way required.