LET US DECIDE TO PERMANENTLY RETAIN THE PROGRESSIVE HUMAN VALUES TAUGHT BY RAMADHAN – TEMPORARY CHANGE IS INSUFFICIENT All praise and glorification belong to Allah through Whose providence, grace and blessings we have been able to begin and complete this year’s Ramadan fasting. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and companions and his true followers till the Day of Judgement. On behalf of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria, I am deeply delighted to felicitate with the Muslim Ummah in Nigeria and across the globe on this auspicious day of Eidul Fitr of the year 1443/2022. Lessons of Ramadan The just concluded Ramadan fasting has offered us the unique opportunity of engaging in moral reformation, spiritual rebirth and regeneration of our social values and ethos. Indeed, like a medical clinic, we have been discharged from the Ramadan clinic after a month-long admission for both therapeutic cleansing of our bodies and the treatment of our various moral and spiritual diseases and vices including hypocrisy, unrighteousness, corruption, dishonesty, fraud, selfishness, cruelty, lying and wickedness, among others are all temporarily cured. More importantly, now, having completed our annual Ramadan training, it is crucial for us to continue to engage in those various CORE VALUES of worship and virtues that had characterized our lives during Ramadan as we pass through the rest eleven months ahead and beyond. The Build up to the 2023 Elections. The month of May and June are very crucial to the democratic growth of Nigeria. The political parties are set to conduct their party primaries in readiness for the 2023 general elections, with the presidential election in February 2023. The Ahmadiyya Muslim community enjoin political participants to ensure a smooth and rancor free party primaries with the fear of Allah and absolute patriotism. It is expedient to appeal to all aspirants, delegates and citizens to ensure justice, equity and fairness in the choice of candidates for various elective positions in Nigeria. It is time to pray that Allah choose leaders for us as a result of the elections those whom He will support fully to enable us get out of the economic, security, civil and physical challenges. We should be hopeful that our dear country Nigeria will rise. We employ all to participate in the current voters’ registration exercise which will enable us to elect good political leaders. The Global challenge As the state of global affairs shows, our world is currently passing through a precarious, crises-laden phase shaped by the effect of the post-Covid-19 economic and political challenges that are being aggravated by the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war the growing global effects and tensions of which are driving humanity to the brinks of a world war. Despite warnings by the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih the fifth, (May Allah Be His Helper) on the consequences of the Russian- Ukraine war, he has continued to pray for the peaceful resolution of the self-inflicted war. In his words”, I pray that the World leaders strive earnestly to safeguard and protect mankind both today and future, from the torment of warfare, bloodshed and destruction”. In the same vein, at the national level, while some levels of progress are being made in some sectors of our national life, there is no gainsaying that Nigeria has continued to be bedeviled by the crippling challenge of insecurity characterized by the pandemic of kidnapping for ransom and/or ritual killings and the spate of senseless and heinous bloodshed and destructions being perpetrated by the terrorists, bandits and the so-called “unknown gunmen.” More so, our country has continued to wallow in the whirlpool of intra and inter-religious distrust and unhealthy relations, bitter partisan politics, crises of political economy, poverty and unemployment and widespread economic, political and social vices, like corruption, nepotism, injustice, fraud and immorality, all of which have combined to sink the lives of many individuals and the nation into the abyss of deprivations and miseries. In light of all these, there is need for us to resolutely imbibe and practice continually all the virtues and learnings of Ramadan, like fear of Allah, selflessness, righteousness, honesty, truthfulness, simplicity, generosity, dutifulness, sympathy and sacrifice, among others, in order to positively turn things around. Expediently, we must entrench mutual cooperation for the promotion of common good and welfare, not warfare, and of inclusivity and social responsibility; rededicate to serve God sincerely and humanity selflessly and beneficially; and let reconciliation, loyalty to the nation, peaceful relations, justice, equity and mutual respect, tolerance and love for all and hatred for none be our guiding principles (Qur’an 5:3 & 9; 4:115; 49:10-14) as we move ahead to frontally tackle our common challenges with a view to realizing sustainable peace and development of ourselves, our country and the world. Once again, I heartily rejoice with everyone on this blessed, festive season and pray that Allah let the peace, blessings and happiness that characterize the Eidul Fitr be permanent in the life of every individual, the nation and our world at large. Āmīn. Ramadan Mubarak !!! Alatoye Folorunso Azeez Amir (National Head), Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem AMIR’S 2021 EID UL FITR MESSAGE Tashaahuud, Ta’’awuz, Basmallah, Suratul Fatha. ADORATION TO ALLAH We give all adorations and greetings to Almighty Allah who has granted us the will and strength to fast the 29 days fasting in the holy month of Ramadan which just ended. Alhamdulillah. CALLING BLESSINGS ON THE HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMED (SAW) We call for Allah’s blessings on the Holy Prophet (saw) who is a mercy unto mankind and the seal of all prophets. He has brought us spiritual, moral, and physical ways of behaving in the most peaceful ways which Ramadhan taught all Muslims. If all Muslims are peaceful in Nigeria and worldwide, Nigeria and the world will be a place of peace for all to live. IMAM OF THE AGE We call for peace of Allah on Imam Mahdi (as) who is the Imam of the age, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) whose advent was foretold by the Holy Prophet Muhammed (saw), the holy founder of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat worldwide. May Allah be please with him and all the followers of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) who had passed away. KHALIFA AND THE UMMAH May Allah be the Helper of Hazrat Masroor Ahmad, the Word-wide head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat word-wide in his continuous quest for global peace. BLESSINGS OF RAMADHAN Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam and Muslims all over the world. It is an ordinance or a commandment of Allah. It is one of the mandatory instructions of Allah in the Holy Quran. It is not optional for those who fall within the categories of those who should fast. Whoever is matured, healthy and not on journey must fast during this holy month of Ramadhan. This shows fasting is a unique exercise and one that has been enjoined by the creator not only for the Muslims but for all others who have followed one prophet at a time or the other. Fasting offers us an opportunity to deeply reflect over ourselves and the type of relationships we have with other human beings on one hand and with our creator on the other hand. Allah says in the holy quran chapter 2 verse 184: ‘’O ye who believe, fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you that you may attain righteousness’’. The object of fasting is attainment of righteousness. Righteousness means nearness to Allah, doing of good and avoidance of all evils. The question to ask ourselves is whether we have attained righteousness or not during this just concluded month of Ramadhan. And if yes, how do we retain them without going back to any evil deeds whatsoever. This is a month of acceptance of prayers and the night of lailatul qadri or night of destiny. For our prayers to be accepted, Allah commanded us to listen to Him and have faith in Him. May Allah accept our prayers. ADMONITIONS TO THE GENERALITY OF MUSLIMS. We are expected to be more faithful in ALLAH, fearful of His glory, hold in Him in awe due to His majesty, we are supposed to be graduating from a training school in a metaphorical sense, and be able to itemize what we have achieved. We should be cognizance of the evil we are dropping. We should be discerning of the new virtue(s) we are assuming or embracing after Ramadan. We should be a new better creation now and forever. We should be magnanimous, kind-hearted, and more tolerant as we were during the month of Ramadan. Our prayers to Allah and religious devotions should be sustained to show that we have perpetually benefited from the month.  Reverting to our evil ways is like losing it all. ADVICE TO THE GOVERNMENT FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANITY We call on the government; Federal, State, and Local to urgently address the concerns of the citizens of the country. No one needs to be told that there is tension, indeed, great tension in the land over what concerns the people. These concerns are many but a few of them are: The unrest in the country caused by insecurity, evil perpetrated by the notorious BOKO Haram, and now the latest addition banditry and herdsmen. Cases of kidnapping for ransom and unwarranted killing: Many innocent citizens have been kidnapped for no reason other than that they want ransom paid. Many were killed in the process. This is not expected in a country where there is good governance. A government and her agencies should provide security for the people and also secure their property. Hunger: There is hunger in the land as most farmers are not able to access their farms due to the terrorism of the herdsmen as it happened at Ibarapa and many other locations. Mass unemployment of the teeming youths in their millions. Jobs are not being created. This poses a grave danger and the easy platform for the recruitment of bandits and Boko Haram sympathizers. This avenue should be urgently blocked. Payment of interest at an alarming rate. This is to the extent that there is little or no income at all for the government to prosecute any project whatsoever as all the income of the nation is used to pay interest to few individuals plunging the country into spiritual war with Allah and his Prophet. Nigeria Oil Revenue projected for 2021 is ₦2.01trillion. The Non-Oil revenue is ₦1.49trillion both totaling ₦3.50 trillion. Meanwhile, interest is ₦3.32 trillion leaving only ₦180 billion for other expenditures. Statutory transfer alone is ₦500billion meaning that Nigeria has to borrow to fund those statutory transfers. Non-debt expenditure is ₦5.64trillion while Independent & Other source income is ₦4.48trillion leaving N1.16 trillion in deficit. It is zero funding for the capital of ₦4.13 trillion. Overall income is ₦7.98 trillion and overall expenditure is ₦13.59tillion.  The deficit is ₦5.61 trillion. Debt is now been raised at interest to fund revenue non-productive expenditures.   This keeps forcing Nigerian debt up. Government must avoid land and interest payment

Fighting Hunger this Ramadan

By Frasat Ahmad – Missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, serving in USA Our world works in strange dichotomies and stark contrasts. Gluttony and starvation, for example, exist hand in hand today. In one part of the world, a plump child stuffing his mouth with food runs the risk of a plethora of health complications, while in another part of the world, a starving child with a skeletal body desperately desires food. Right now, 820 million people across the world are wondering where their next healthy meal will come from. Where does Ramadan fit into all of this? From today, hundreds of millions of Muslims will choose to forego their meals every day, from dawn to dusk, for a month, for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan is upon us. As our stomachs singe in hunger, Muslims are reminded that hundreds of millions of starving souls are forced to feel this burn every single day, with no end in sight. Have you ever wondered why we are taught that the gates of Paradise are opened in Ramadan, whilst the gates to Hell are closed? Perhaps our paradise lies in putting ourselves through a form of temporary torment and putting ourselves in the shoes of those less fortunate.  We are taught that we can shield ourselves from Hell, even by giving half a date in charity. Muslims know well that the Prophet Muhammad’s (sa) generosity in Ramadan would gain the intensity of fierce wind. But are we putting this into practice? It is a powerful lesson to learn. As we unashamedly fill our plates to the brink with delicious food, we must remember those who haven’t even had a bite to eat in days. As we unbuckle our waist belts to give room to our bursting bellies, we must think about those who have to tighten their waist belts because they have no food to eat. And as they tighten their waist belts, we must not tighten our fists. It is what Prophet Muhammad (sa) taught. God Almighty will one day ask us, “O son of Adam, I asked you for food and you fed Me not. Did you not know that had you fed my servant, you would surely have found Me with him?” (Muslim) It is also what the Second Coming of Christ, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) taught: “You should show love and compassion to all people. Allah commands us to feed the hungry, free those shackled in bondage, pay off the arrears of those mired in debt, shoulder the burdens of others and fulfil the rights of sincere love owed to mankind.” These words must not fall upon deaf ears. Empty rituals to remain hungry will serve no good unless they are paired with practice. On 10th April, 2020 Friday Sermon, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper) stated: “For these are indeed the days to serve humanity; and as the Promised Messiah (as) has instructed, ‘You must inculcate within yourselves the spirit of compassion.’ Again, these are the days to serve humanity.” Thankfully, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community worldwide has not turned a blind eye to these instructions. Its USA Youth Association served more than 22,500 meals to the needy and helped 3,400 families with free food and medicine delivery in March alone. Its Youth Association in UK has thus far helped 5,800 households, providing them with food and medicine, alongside supporting 43 local councils, charities and food banks. And other countries are following suit. Pandemic or no pandemic, the followers of the Promised Messiah (as) will forever continue to “bandage the wounds of those in pain, to remove the anxieties of those who are distressed and to show love and compassion without any desire for recognition or worldly reward.”

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For more than one hundred years the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has been leading a peaceful revival of Islam. From the time it was founded in India in 1889 it has enjoyed an unrivalled record for peace and for its efforts to build cohesive societies.

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