Academic Symposium on “Fazl Umar: A Spiritual Reflection of Hazrat Umar (RA)”

On the 18th February 2024, the Amir sahib Alh. (Barr.) Alatoye Folorunso Abdul Azeez sahib presided over an Academic Symposium at Jamia Ahmadiyya Nigeria, delving into the theme “Fazl Umar: A Spiritual Reflection of Hazrat Umar (RA)”.
The guest lecturer, Missionary Tasleem Sulaimon, did justice to the topic with his insightful discourse, shedding light on the spiritual essence of Hazrat Umar (RA) and his profound impact on Islamic history.
The Amir sahib stated that, In the realm of academia, there exists a distinct dichotomy between theory and practice. While academics provide the theoretical framework, practitioners bring these theories to life through practical application.
Life itself operates on the synergy between theory and practice. History provides us with the theoretical foundation, while the actions taken based on this knowledge constitute practical application. It is through this fusion that progress and development are achieved.
Academic conferences serve as vital platforms for intellectuals to exchange ideas and delve into scholarly discourse. They offer unique insights and perspectives, distinct from those of practitioners. We are fortunate to have been blessed with Khulfa who possess both theoretical knowledge and practical wisdom. Their ability to integrate theory with practice serves as a guiding light for us all, inspiring us to apply our knowledge in practical endeavors.
In essence, the Academic Symposium serves as a beacon of enlightenment, fostering a deeper understanding of our faith and its practical implications in our lives.
The event was graced with, Missionary Incharge, Principal Jamia Ahmadiyya and among others.